
Articles Related to Heart

Never Ignore These 9 Heart Symptoms

articallist If something went wrong with your heart, would you know it?

Not all heart problems come with clear warning signs. There is not always an alarming chest clutch followed by a fall to the floor like you see in movies. Some heart symptoms don’t even happen in your chest, and it’s not always easy to tell what’s going on. "If you're not sure, get it checked out," says Sr.Heart Specialist.

That’s especially true if you are 60 or older, are overweight, or have diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, The more risk factors you have," he says, "the more you should be concerned about anything that might be heart-related."

Especially watch out for these problems:

1. Chest Discomfort

It’s the most common sign of heart danger. If you have a blocked artery or are having a heart attack, you may feel pain, tightness, or pressure in your chest. "Everyone has a different word for that feeling," Chambers says. "Some people say it's like an elephant is sitting on them. Other people say it's like a pinching or burning." The feeling usually lasts longer than a few minutes. It may happen when you're at rest or when you're doing something physical. If it's just a very brief pain -- or if it's a spot that hurts more when you touch or push on it -- it's probably not your heart, Chambers says. You should still get it checked out by a doctor. If the symptoms are more severe and don’t go away after a few minutes, you should call to Doctor. Also, keep in mind you can have heart problems -- even a heart attack -- without chest pain. That’s particularly common among women.

2. Nausea, Indigestion, Heartburn, or Stomach Pain

Some people have these symptoms during a heart attack. They may even vomit, Chambers says. Women are more likely to report this type of symptom than men are. Of course, you can have an upset stomach for many reasons that have nothing to do with your heart. It could just be something you ate, after all. But you need to be aware that it can also happen during a heart attack. So if you feel this way and you’re at risk for heart problems, let a doctor find out what’s going on, especially if you also have any of the other symptoms on this list.

3. Throat or Jaw Pain

By itself, throat or jaw pain probably isn't heart related. More likely, it's caused by a muscular issue, a cold, or a sinus problem. But if you have pain or pressure in the center of your chest that spreads up into your throat or jaw, it could be a sign of a heart attack. Call Doctor and seek medical attention to make sure everything is all right.

4.You Get Exhausted Easily

If you suddenly feel fatigued or winded after doing something you had no problem doing in the past -- like climbing the stairs or carrying groceries from the car -- make an appointment with your doctor right away. "These types of significant changes are more important to us than every little ache and pain you might be feeling," Doctor says. Extreme exhaustion or unexplained weakness, sometimes for days at a time, can be a symptom of a heart attack, especially for women.


It’s normal to snore a little while you snooze. But unusually loud snoring that sounds like a gasping or choking can be a sign of sleep apnea. That’s when you stop breathing for brief moments several times at night while you are still sleeping. This puts extra stress on your heart. Your doctor can check whether you need a sleep study to see if you have this condition. If you do, you may need a CPAP machine to smooth out your breathing while you sleep.


Breaking out in a cold sweat for no obvious reason could signal a heart attack. If this happens along with any of these other symptoms, call Doctorto get to a hospital right away. Don’t try to drive yourself.

7.A Cough That Won’t Quit

In most cases, this isn't a sign of heart trouble. But if you have heart disease or know you're at risk, pay special attention to the possibility. If you have a long-lasting cough that produces a white or pink mucus, it could be a sign of heart failure. This happens when the heart can't keep up with the body's demands, causing blood to leak back into the lungs. Ask your doctor to check on what’s causing your cough.

8.Your Legs, Feet, and Ankles Are Swollen

This could be a sign that your heart doesn’t pump blood as effectively as it should. When the heart can't pump fast enough, blood backs up in the veins and causes bloating. Heart failure can also make it harder for the kidneys to remove extra water and sodium from the body, which can lead to bloating.

9. Irregular Heart Beat

It's normal for your heart to race when you are nervous or excited or to skip or add a beat once in a while. But if you feel like your heart is beating out of time for more than just a few seconds, or if it happens often, tell your doctor. "In most cases, it's caused by something that's easy to fix, like too much caffeine or not enough sleep," Doctor says. But occasionally, it could signal a condition called atrial fibrillation that needs treatment. So ask your doctor to check it out.

Mediterranean diet linked to a healthier heart

articallist Choosing to eat a Mediterranean diet is better for people with heart disease than avoiding the unhealthy contents of a so-called Western diet,

A Mediterranean diet includes a high proportion of fruit, vegetables, fish, and unrefined foods. A Western diet contains refined grains, sweets, desserts, sugared drinks, and deep-fried food.

The new research shows that the Mediterranean diet can decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke in people who already have heart disease.

At the same time, it suggests that if people avoid the unhealthy aspects of a Western diet, they also avoid worsening their risk of cardiac problems.

"The research suggests we should place more emphasis on encouraging people with heart disease to eat more healthy foods, and perhaps focus less on avoiding unhealthy foods." Researcher notes that while fruit and vegetables appear to reduce the risk of a heart attack or a stroke, small amounts of refined carbohydrates, sugar, deep fried food, and desserts do not appear to cause additional harm.

Happy Hour May Be Heart Healthy!

articallist From a public health perspective, the challenge now is to caution against excessive drinking while ensuring that people understand the potential benefits of moderate consumption, according to Doctor.

For one study, Doctor searched published literature for prospective cohort studies on the association between alcohol consumption and overall mortality from cardiovascular disease, incidence of and mortality from coronary heart disease, and incidence of and mortality from stroke. For the other, they searched for studies that compared fasting levels of specific biological markers associated with coronary heart disease after alcohol use with those observed after a period of abstinence.

For the first meta-analysis, they found 84 studies that looked at the outcomes of interest. Pooled adjusted relative risks for alcohol drinkers compared with nondrinkers in random effects models showed alcohol consumption was associated with a reduced risk of:

> Death from heart disease by 25 percent.

> Developing coronary heart disease by 29 percent > A fatal heart attack by 25 percent.

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

articallist Heart and blood vessel disease — also called heart disease — includes numerous problems, many of which are related to a process called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition that develops when a substance called plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries. This buildup narrows the arteries, making it harder for blood to flow through. If a blood clot forms, it can stop the blood flow. This can cause a heart attack or stroke.

A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked by a blood clot. If this clot cuts off the blood flow completely, the part of the heart muscle supplied by that artery begins to die. Most people survive their first heart attack and return to their normal lives to enjoy many more years of productive activity. But having a heart attack does mean you have to make some changes. The doctor will advise you of medications and lifestyle changes according to how badly the heart was damaged and what degree of heart disease caused the heart attack.

An ischemic stroke (the most common type) happens when a blood vessel that feeds the brain gets blocked, usually from a blood clot. When the blood supply to a part of the brain is shut off, brain cells will die. The result will be the inability to carry out some of the previous functions as before like walking or talking. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel within the brain bursts. The most likely cause is uncontrolled hypertension.

Electrocardiogram (EKG)

articallist An EKG records your heart's electrical activity. During this painless test, your doctor will stick electrodes on your skin for a few minutes. The results tell him if you have a regular heartbeat or not. It can confirm you're having a heart attack, or if you've had one in the past. Your doctor can also compare these graphs over time to track how your ticker is doing.

This isn't the same as a heart attack. Sudden cardiac death happens when the heart's electrical system goes haywire, making it beat irregularly and dangerously fast. Instead of pumping out blood to your body, your chambers quiver. CPR can help bring back your regular heart beat, but without it, you can die within minutes. So don't wait to see if your symptoms go away.

Irregular Heart Beat: Arrhythmia

articallist Your heart beats because of electrical impulses, and they can get off rhythm. Arrhythmias can make your heart race, slow down, or quiver. They're often harmless and pass quickly, but some types can affect your blood flow and take a serious toll on your body. Tell your doctor if you notice anything unusual.

Abnormal heart muscle, or cardiomyopathy, makes it hard to pump and carry blood to the rest of your body. Over time, health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes cause this serious condition, which can lead to heart failure.

This doesn't mean your heart stops working. It means the organ can't pump enough blood to meet your body's needs. So over time, it gets bigger and pumps faster. This weakens the muscle and lowers the amount of blood flowing out even more, which adds to the problem. Most cases of heart failure are the result of coronary artery disease and heart attacks.

Drink pomegranate juice to prevent heart disease

articallist Pomegranate or the desi anaar is not only high in terms of taste and nutrition but also has beneficial effects on your health. It was traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicines as the natural remedy to treat clinical conditions.

How pomegranate prevents heart disease

Why does India need guidelines for preventing heart diseases at all?
According to statistics presented at the conference, heart diseases will account for 35.9% deaths in India by the year 2030. ‘There is an increasing incidence and prevalence of heart diseases in India, and guidelines will surely help to reduce this increasing burden if physicians adhere to them. In fact, it has been found that with every 10% increase in adherence to guidelines, the mortality rate decreases by 10%,’ suggested Expert.

Clinical studies have proved that drinking a glass of pomegranate juice daily improves your blood sugar, reduces your blood pressure (systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure) and thickness of the arteries. Pomegranate juice consumption lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and prevents blood from clotting in the arteries. All of these are known risk factors for heart disease. Pomegranate is also loaded with phytonutrients that act as powerful antioxidants which destroy free radicals damaging the walls of arteries.

What should be considered when Indian guidelines are to be made?
‘Small dense LDL (bad cholesterol) is biggest factor that adds to the risk of heart diseases. But in India, most laboratories do not have the measurement tools for LDL, so there’s no point of taking it into consideration. Instead the ratio of triglycerides to HDL (good cholesterol) that captures risk of high LDL should be considered. A ratio higher than 3.8 may indicate higher LDL.’ Here’s our mega-guide on cholesterol. ‘Low dose statin therapy should be considered for Indians rather than high dose. Since statins have been shown to raise blood sugar levels and increase the risk of developing diabetes, its effect among Indians, who are already prone to diabetes, should be identified.’ ‘Prevention in India should be based on educating people as well as physicians. Indians have common risk factors as other population but within that abdominal obesity, diabetes, unhealthy diet, low exercise is more common. Physicians should be able to identify risk factors (age, weight, physical activity etc) and suggest laboratory tests to patients so as to confirm whether they are risk.’ Dr Reddy also emphasised the need for stronger policy measures in India. ‘If the taxes on tobacco and junk foods are increased and healthy foods are subsidised then people will automatically turn to healthier options

Dangers and complications of high and uncontrolled blood pressure.

articallist Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most common ailments today. Considered a manageable condition, most people tend to take adhering to their medication extremely lightly, and think nothing of missing a dose or two. But hypertension is no simple disease. Not only is it capable of causing severe and permanent damage to the body, hypertension can even kill you. Cardiologist at the Asian Heart Institute tells us about the dangers and complications of uncontrolled high blood pressure.

What are the dangers of uncontrolled BP?

Simply put, uncontrolled high blood pressure (HBP) can injure or kill you. Also known as ‘the silent killer’, high BP has no symptoms, making it very difficult to gauge how severely the condition is damaging your arteries, heart and other organs.

Here are the possible health consequences that occur over time:

damage to the heart or coronary arteries including heart attack, heart disease, congestive heart failure, aortic dissection and atherosclerosis (fatty buildups in the arteries that cause them to harden) stroke kidney damage vision loss erectile dysfunction memory loss fluid in the lungs angina peripheral Artery Disease (PAD).

Individuals whose blood pressure is higher than 140/90 mm Hg (140 systolic or 90 diastolic) often become patients treated for serious cardiovascular problems. What complications can it lead to? Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to: Heart attacks or stroke: High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which can lead to a heart attack, stroke or other complications. Aneurysm: Increased blood pressure can cause your blood vessels to weaken and bulge, forming an aneurysm. If an aneurysm ruptures, it can be life-threatening. Heart failure: In order to pump blood against the higher pressure in your blood vessels, your heart muscles thicken. Eventually, the thickened muscle may have a hard time pumping enough blood to meet your body’s needs, which can lead to heart failure. Weakened and narrowed blood vessels in your kidneys: This can prevent your kidneys from functioning normally. Thickened, narrowed or torn blood vessels in the eyes: Which can lead to vision loss. Metabolic syndrome: This syndrome is a cluster of disorders of your body’s metabolism, including increased waist circumference, high triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or ‘good’ cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high insulin levels.If you have high blood pressure, you’re more likely to have other components of metabolic syndrome. The more components you have, the greater your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease or stroke. Trouble with memory or understanding: Uncontrolled high blood pressure may also affect your ability to think, remember and learn. Trouble with memory or understanding concepts is more common in people with high blood pressure. Here are 9 common indicators of your blood pressure being too high or too low breathlessness headache bleeding from the nose fatigue and sleepiness confusion tinnitus or ringing in the ears vomiting profuse sweating blurred vision These symptoms are by no means all-inclusive, but serve as a useful guide. Please note that not exhibiting these symptoms does not necessarily mean you do not have high blood pressure. When should a person with uncontrolled BP visit a doctor? High blood pressure often causes no symptoms for a long time. Even if your blood pressure is high, you may feel fine. This is why many people who have high blood pressure don’t pay attention to it until they have a heart attack, a stroke, kidney damage, or other serious health problem. That’s why you should have your blood pressure checked regularly. If you have never been diagnosed with hypertension and you have no other serious medical problems, the American Heart Association recommends that you have your blood pressure checked at least once every 2 years. In some people their blood pressure rises quickly and becomes excessively high all of a sudden. This causes the diastolic blood pressure to rise to 130 or higher and is considered a medical emergency is called malignant, or accelerated, high blood pressure. Here are the symptoms of malignant high blood pressure include the following: blurred vision chest pain dizziness headache palpitations shortness of breath Finally, high blood pressure is a serious condition and not paying attention to it, or leaving it untreated could have serious consequences. If you have high blood pressure it is imperative that you seek immediate medical attention.

10 causes of chest pain you should know

articallist Chest pain is one symptom or problem that everyone generally associates with different diseases and conditions. While some of these conditions may be minor, others can be potentially life-threatening, leaving the sufferer worried about the actual cause of his chest pain. In any case, self-diagnosis can be misleading and extremely risky if the underlying cause is serious. Here are some causes of chest pain you should be aware about:

1. Heart disease: Chest pain due to cardiac origin is medically called angina. A person can suffer from angina for a short while or for a long period of time (15 minutes) depending on the underlying heart disease. Usually, this type of chest pain (especially in heart attack) is associated with pain in the limbs and shoulder region. The pain may initiate or worsen with exertion. Chest pain can occur in several conditions related to heart including heart attack, coronary heart disease, inflammation of the heart tissue and aortic anuerysm. You are likely to get chest pain due to cardiac origin if: If you have uncontrolled diabetes High cholesterol or atherosclerosis Family history of heart disease You have suffered from a heart related condition before

2. Hypertension: Increased blood pressure in the arteries that carry blood to the lungs can also cause chest pain. This condition is called pulmonary hypertension.

3. Heart burn and acidity: Studies mention that gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the most common cause for visits to heart care units due to chest pain. Unlike cardiac chest pain, chest pain due to GERD is not related to exertion or physical activity.

4. Lung disorders: Pulmonary embolism is a common lung disorder where a blood clot develops in a lung artery blocking the flow of blood to the lung tissue. Other disorders like inflammation of the lung tissue, collapsed lungs can also cause chest pain. This kind of chest pain is likely to be associated with breathlessness and respiratory problems.

5. Panic attacks: If your chest pain is associated with phases of intense fear, heaviness in the chest, increased heartbeat, profuse sweating and breathlessness, it’s likely that you’re suffering from panic disorder.

6. Stress: Increased stress in life can have a huge impact on your health. During a stress response, your heart rate increases, breathing fastens and blood pressure also rises rapidly. This affects circulatory system affecting the flow of blood to the heart, causing chest pain.

7. Depression: Chronic stress can lead to depression and make you prone to several aliments. Depression can also increase your risk of hypertension and heart disease, which can cause chest pain.

8. Musculoskeletal injury: Injury to the chest wall, rib cage or muscles can give rise to a sharp pain in the chest region. This type of pain has a sudden onset and remains constant. It may worsen with physical activity or may even make breathing difficult.

9. Over exertion: Usually, exercise-induced chest pain is originated from cardiac diseases but sometimes overexertion can cause chest pain which may not be of cardiac origin. When this happens, it’s a signal that your body is not getting sufficient oxygen to carry out metabolic processes.

10. Herpes: Commonly called Shingles, Herpes zoster is a viral infection caused by reactivation of the chicken pox virus that leads to painful skin rashes and lesion. But before the lesions start appearing, initial symptoms of the disease include acute chest pain which is felt more like a burning sensation.

Should India have separate guidelines for preventing heart diseases?

articallist After the release of new cholesterol guidelines by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC), which asserted that health care providers should prescribe statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) to healthy patients if their 10-year cardiovascular risk is found to be 7.5% or greater, a lot has been thought about whether these guidelines are relevant to India.

Primarily addressing this issue, Mumbai’s Asian Heart Institute (AHI), the world renowned cardiac care hospital, held a press conference on Saturday February 15, where keynote speaker Dr K Srinath Reddy, President of the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and the World Heart Federation highlighted the Indian angle for cholesterol guidelines.

Why does India need guidelines for preventing heart diseases at all?
According to statistics presented at the conference, heart diseases will account for 35.9% deaths in India by the year 2030. ‘There is an increasing incidence and prevalence of heart diseases in India, and guidelines will surely help to reduce this increasing burden if physicians adhere to them. In fact, it has been found that with every 10% increase in adherence to guidelines, the mortality rate decreases by 10%,’ suggested Expert.

Why can’t India follow the American guidelines?
Highlighting the main limitations of AHA guidelines, Dr Reddy mentioned ‘The AHA guidelines are somewhat useful for us but not entirely relevant because they don’t take into consideration low HDL levels (levels of good cholesterol), high levels of triglycerides and life-time risk factor, which are major concern among Indians.’ ‘Moreover, there are a lot of differences between diet and lifestyle pattern of Americans and Indians. Indians have more body fat that lean fat unlike Americans may look obese but have lesser body fat. Our diet mainly consists of refined carbohydrates, which is the main reason why high LDL levels are common in Indians, whereas Americans eat more meat. Indians also don’t exercise much that adds to increased insulin resistance and diabetes.’

What should be considered when Indian guidelines are to be made?
‘Small dense LDL (bad cholesterol) is biggest factor that adds to the risk of heart diseases. But in India, most laboratories do not have the measurement tools for LDL, so there’s no point of taking it into consideration. Instead the ratio of triglycerides to HDL (good cholesterol) that captures risk of high LDL should be considered. A ratio higher than 3.8 may indicate higher LDL.’ Here’s our mega-guide on cholesterol. ‘Low dose statin therapy should be considered for Indians rather than high dose. Since statins have been shown to raise blood sugar levels and increase the risk of developing diabetes, its effect among Indians, who are already prone to diabetes, should be identified.’ ‘Prevention in India should be based on educating people as well as physicians. Indians have common risk factors as other population but within that abdominal obesity, diabetes, unhealthy diet, low exercise is more common. Physicians should be able to identify risk factors (age, weight, physical activity etc) and suggest laboratory tests to patients so as to confirm whether they are risk.’ Dr Reddy also emphasised the need for stronger policy measures in India. ‘If the taxes on tobacco and junk foods are increased and healthy foods are subsidised then people will automatically turn to healthier options

What Your Ears Say About Your Heart.

articallist Research suggests that having a certain characteristic of some people's ears can up their risk for heart disease. Find out what cardiologists really think about this possible connection.

What could the appearance of your outer ear possibly have to do with your heart? Some studies seem to show that having at least one earlobe crease could be a warning sign for heart disease. "The research goes back to studies done in the ’80s and early ’90s. There may be an association between earlobe creases and heart disease, but it is not very strong. Cardiologists are more concerned about specific heart disease risks such as family history, obesity, cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure," .

What the Heart Research Shows
The possible link between earlobe creases and heart disease risk is based on only a few studies, and none of them very recent. An eight-year study of 1,000 people done almost 30 years ago found that people with at least one earlobe crease were more likely to die from heart disease. Of the people with earlobe creases, 74 percent of people had coronary heart disease as compared to 26 percent of people without coronary heart disease. It may be that the link is just old age. Earlobe creases, heart disease, and older age all go together. Another possible link could be elastin, a naturally occurring substance that allows tissues to stretch. Loss of elastin may cause earlobes to crease and may also contribute to hardening of the heart's arteries.

All Ears: The Bottom Line on Heart Disease Risk
"People with an earlobe crease do not need to be screened for heart disease," says Orringer. "The presence of an earlobe crease is a minor part of the entire picture that goes into determining your risk for heart disease. It may be more significant in a younger person with other heart disease risk factors, but it is nothing for anyone to get concerned about." What’s really vital is to protect your heart with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and regular medical check-ups. Specifically, eating fewer fats, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol under control are the keys to protecting your heart, whether or not you have earlobe creases. If you listen to that advice, your ears will be doing their job.

Warning: Air Pollution May Be Hazardous to Hearts.

articallist Air pollution is high up on the list of potential triggers of heart attacks. Cleaning the air we breathe by reducing levels of particulate matter by 30 µg/m3 would potentially prevent or delay about 5 percent of nonfatal heart attacks.

The study “stands as a warning against overlooking the public health relevance of risk factors with moderate or weak strength that have high frequency in the community. The percentage of people exposed to the triggers ranged from 0.04 percent for cocaine use to 100 percent for air pollution, represented by the concentration of particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 micrometers.
On an individual level, the odds of having a heart attack associated with various exposures ranged from 1.02 for a 10-µg/m3 increase in air pollution to 23.7 for cocaine use.

Factors associated with high odds of heart attack, however, had a less substantial impact on a population level because of the low prevalence of exposure. When both the odds ratios and the prevalence of exposure to each trigger were considered, the highest population attributable fraction was associated with traffic exposure (7 percent), followed by physical exertion (6 percent), alcohol (5 percent), coffee (5 percent), a difference of 30 μg/m3 in air pollution (5 percent), negative emotions (4 percent), anger (3 percent), a heavy meal (3 percent), positive emotions (2 percent), sexual activity (2 percent), cocaine use (1 percent), marijuana smoking (1 percent), and respiratory infections (1 percent).

Heart Attacks Are 'All in the Family'.

articallist A parental history of heart attack predicts heart disease risk beyond what other traditional risk factors such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure or even genetic markers, according to an international study of almost 30,000 adults.

The study compared risk factors — including family history — in about 12,000 people who had a first heart with same information from healthy individuals. About 18 percent of the persons who had a first heart attack reported a history of heart attack in either parent versus 12 percent of the controls, and the earlier.

Having a parent who had a heart attack in their 40s — or younger — made it about two and half times more likely that the son or daughter would have a heart attack and if both parents had heart attacks before age 50 the heart attack risk was more than six-fold higher for the children. The near doubling in heart attack risk with a positive parental history was consistent across income, sex, and age groups and all regions of the world

“In developed countries, the predictive ability of a family history probably improved over the past few decades in parallel with an enhanced ability to diagnose heart disease and the public’s increasing awareness of its causes and consequences”.

How to prevent, treat and reverse heart disease with diet and natural remedies.

articallist Cardiologists have come out of the medical mafia matrix to announce that fat and cholesterol are not the main culprits responsible for hardening of the arteries and heart disease, even as many others still insist on this disinformation.

It claim that fat, even saturated fats from healthy sources, are necessary. As a matter of fact, low fat diets are dangerous. Even with the low fat diet craze, heart disease has increased! As a matter of fact, low fat diets are dangerous. Even with the low fat diet craze, heart disease has increased! Epidermal cholesterol initiates the conversation of UVB ray sunlight into vitamin D3. Fats are also a large part of the myelin sheath that insulates nerves to facilitate neuron impulse activity. Fat is also a large part of our cell wall formation and 60 to 80 percent of our brains' composition.

This may explain why people on statin drugs continue having heart attacks with increased neurological issues, including Alzheimer's disease. Their brains and nervous systems deteriorate because of statin drugs' efficacy at reducing cholesterol!

Cardiologists explains that there is one troublesome type of LDL that manages to slip under the endothelium, or outer sheath of the inner arterial walls, to cause inflammation, the true source of arteriosclerosis.That particular type of LDL molecule comes from excess sugars and refined starches, especially HFCS, not unprocessed unsaturated or saturated fats. There are other arterial factors as well. Excess blood calcium that isn't taken into bone tissue also literally calcifies inner arterial walls. Increased magnesium, silica, and vitamin K2 remedy .

4.Wild Rice, Quinoa and Millet.

Instead of choosing white flour and commercially produced pastries, stick to grains such as wild rice, quinoa and millet.

Tips to prevent and remedy heart disease issues

First cut back on refined sugar (sucrose) and refined starches such as white flour products and refined grains. Avoid HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), sometimes called corn syrup, completely. The fructose of whole fruits is okay unless excessively consumed, especially as juice.

Increase your omega-3 fatty acid intake.Omega-3 is high in fish and krill oils, fatty fish, freshly ground flax seeds, hemp seeds, and chia seeds as well as avocados and free range eggs. The oils from those plants are also beneficial if they are organic and cold pressed.

Avoid oils that are processed by heat or hydrogenated. These cause inflammation, and they're ubiquitous in processed and fast foods. But there is one cold pressed oil to avoid, Canola (rapeseed) oil. It's not the health food it's promoted to be.

Recommended foods for optimal health?

articallistIt’s important to understand that a foods ability to create an acidic or alkaline condition in the body doesn’t actually have any connection with the pH of the food itself. It’s the effect that it has on the body after it’s eaten that matters. A high alkaline foods diet refer to those which leave an alkaline residue within the body. Of course, it’s not necessary to give up all acidic foods, but the more alkaline foods you consume, the better your pH balance will be. Here is a list of 12 of the best foods for maintaining a healthy alkaline level within your body.

1.Herb Teas, Green Tea, and Lemon Water

When choosing beverages, stick to green tea, herb teas and lemon-infused water. Of course, these beverages will be even more beneficial if you make them with alkaline water. Avoid soft drinks, beer, tea and coffee, as these beverages will have an acidifying effect.

2.Soy Milk and Soy Cheese

Soy milk and cheese are much better choices than dairy products made from cow’s milk. Goat milk and goat cheese are also good choices.

3.Olive, Flax Seed and Canola Oil

When choosing oils, olive oil is considered the best for an alkaline diet. However, flax seed oil and canola oil are also good choices, as compared to corn and other vegetable oils.

4.Wild Rice, Quinoa and Millet.

Instead of choosing white flour and commercially produced pastries, stick to grains such as wild rice, quinoa and millet.

5.Almonds and Chestnuts.

Almonds and chestnuts are both good choices for an alkaline diet. However, avoid peanuts, walnuts, cashews and pecans, as they are among the most acidic of the nuts

5 good reasons to go on holiday in winter?

articallistReward your body

Nearly one in five of us is affected by the winter blues, so if you’re looking for a lift, then physical exercise is a great way to release feel-good hormones. You could consider a winter sports holiday, which provides the ultimate outdoor workout. Downhill skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing are all excellent forms of cardiovascular exercise.

Give it some soul

A late winter (or early spring) break is a chance to step outside your comfort zone and give something back on a spirit-soaring volunteering holiday. we have range of trip ideas to inspire – from teaching in Delhi to school building in Ghana and wildlife conservation in Kashmir or the Manali.

Maintain Vitamin D Level

Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones but the strength of the sun in the India over winter is weak, leaving many of us Vitamin D deficient. A winter holiday is a great way to top up your Vitamin D level

Stress-busting Activities

Exercise is vital but something we don't tend to get enough of during the winter. There's nothing like a motivational teacher, be it in a group class or one-on-one to get you back into the swing of things. Exercise is great for relaxation as not only does it 'stop your mind' but it works stress out of the system and keep you fit.

Dramatic Scenery

They say a change is as good as a rest, and nowhere can this be more true than enveloped in a warm and welcoming resort surrounded by all the wonders of nature. There's something very calming about gazing out over a Himalaya mountain terrain, or over a great big glassy lake. We strive to find resorts that offer you something inspiring about the location so you can feel a true sense of wellbeing in both body and mind.

Mind And Body: You Know Yourself?

articallistStudies show that yoga, like many forms of physical activity, can actually help relieve stress. Emotional stress from daily life often contributes to physical stresses like muscle tension and constricted breathing. Because of its impact on the circulatory system, stress is also linked to cardiovascular disease. By alleviating physical and emotional stress, you may reduce your risk of heart disease and other illnesses. Some hospitals are making yoga and meditation classes available to cancer patients, and reductions in stress levels have been observed. It is yet unclear, however, whether stress reduction influences long-term prognosis for cancer. But studies show that stress relief helps bolster the immune system’s ability to fight diseases, including cancer. Yoga reduces stress by encouraging deep, rhythmic breathing. It also promotes relaxation by increasing the flow of blood and oxygen to each part of the body. yoga include meditation or the repetition of a soothing sound or phrase.

Short stories of Healthy Heart

articallist Make a stand against Fast Food places

At 5.30 I beat the streets of Mangere, South Auckland with my feet. Yep, walking at least 5-6 kms every morning before heading off to work. On one of these mornings I notice that there is new construction work happening on Bader Drive…

December 05 2012

‘I did this for you Pops’

I initially became a ‘Heart Racer’ because I wanted to do something meaningful for others. But just weeks before the October adidas Auckland Marathon my father passed away through complications in health which ultimately lead to his heart no longer beating. It gave me me the much needed drive and push to run this race for Dad, aka ‘Pops’.

December 05 2012

Healthy Lunches at Hampstead

Thelma Bell, a new Certificate in Pacific Nutrition graduate has been hard at work applying what she has learnt since finishing the Christchurch course she attended in May. She coordinated a successful Healthy Lunches Programme and the healthy lunches have created an awareness which has rubbed off on the other students at the school.

December 04 2012

Lift our Game

The Tobacco-free Aotearoa Conference 2012 was held at Dhulia, Maharastra on 8-9 November 2012.

December 04 2012

Ramesh kapoor’s Tips

Ramesh Kapoor took on one of her biggest ever challenges – she became a Heart Foundation Heart Racer and competed in her first ever half-marathon in October….and nailed it! Rebekah shares her motivation and training tips.

November 27 2012

Siva Shah’s Smart Shopping Tips

Shiva shah of Banglore is a fan of the shopping lists. He attended the recent Refresher Workshop and shared that since attending the CPN course in early 2012 he’s found how useful making a shopping list can be.

October 10 2012

Yoga For Heart

articallistyoga is good for your heart. This is true whether you already have a problem with your heart or if you are looking to save yourself from heart attacks, heart disease or other heart-related issues. Yoga can help you get relief as well as save you from heart problems.The yoga exercises that you can find below are not only good for those who have problems with the heart but also for everybody who wants to take care of his heart, prevent high blood pressure or strokes and keep his heart healthy.


Yogic exercises give a good massage to the hardworking heart. Asanas involve minimal muscular activity. In such a condition, the heart has a tendency to slow down and beat in a controlled manner. When the muscular activity is less, there is minimum production of carbon dioxide. This reduces the levels of stress to the heart. Yoga-asanas stretch the body's major blood vessels, keeping them free-flowing and elastic. Yoga oxygenates the blood and pushes fresh nutrients to all peripheral vessels and capillaries. Improved circulation aids in more oxygen supply to the brain and all organs, improves alertness, memory, and mood. The vital organs receive a steady supply of the nutrients they need for optimal functioning while you are doing these exercises.


Taking time to relax and reduce stress is not a luxury but a health promoting and potentially life-extending technique. The breath is the bridge between the body and mind. Our heartbeat responds to our breathing pattern. It gently accelerates when we inhale and slows when we exhale.Yoga's emphasis on inhaling slowly, gently, without strain and exhaling completely, is relaxing for the heart muscle. Begin now to become aware of your breath and take time to practise slow, gentle, calm, even breathing. It's the first step to feeling more relaxed.

Yoga Nidra (Savasana)

Yoga Nidra/Savasana or deep relaxation technique teaches how to relax at will, allowing body to release muscle tension almost as it occurs. This is the best of all the techniques, which allows the body to instantly relax at will and prevents from ill effects of stress.


Meditation teaches you how to access inner source of strength and personal power, creating a support system that builds confidence and self-esteem, fosters present-moment awareness, increases self-knowledge, and self-awareness

Articles base with solution for almost every heart problem

articallistQuit smoking.

Smokers have more than twice the risk for heart attack as nonsmokers and are much more likely to die if they suffer a heart attack. If you smoke, quit. Better yet, never start smoking at all.

Improve cholesterol levels.

The risk for heart disease increases as your total amount of cholesterol increases. A total cholesterol level over 200, a HDL, or "good" cholesterol level under 40, or a LDL, or "bad" cholesterol level over 160 indicates an increased risk for heart disease. Of course, interpretation of cholesterol values must be individualized, taking into account all of your risk factors for heart disease. A diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat will lower cholesterol levels and reduce your risk for heart disease.

Control high blood pressure

Over 50 million people in the U.S. have hypertension, or high blood pressure, making it the most common heart disease risk factor. One in four adults has systolic blood pressure (the upper number) over 140, and/or diastolic blood pressure (the lower number) over 90, which is the definition of hypertension. Like cholesterol, blood pressure interpretation should be individualized, taking into account your entire risk profile. If treatment is warranted, today's blood pressure medications are effective, safe, and easy to take.

Get active

Many of us lead sedentary lives, exercising infrequently or not at all. People who don't exercise have higher rates of death and heart disease compared to people who perform even mild to moderate amounts of physical activity. Even leisure-time activities like gardening or walking can lower your risk of heart disease.

Eat right

Eat a heart-healthy diet low in fat and cholesterol. Try to increase the amounts of vitamins you eat, especially antioxidants, which have been proven to lower your risk for heart disease.

Recipes for Heart

articallist Wake Up and Smell the Barley

There's nothing boring about warm whole grains for breakfast!
• Drizzle honey on cooked barley and sprinkle with nuts and dried fruit.
• Top chewy farro with bananas, walnuts, and dried cranberries.

Stir chopped apple, cinnamon, brown sugar, and raisins into partly cooked old-fashioned oatmeal. Continue cooking until the apple is tender. Top with toasted nuts.

Indian Spiced Carrot Soup with Ginger

Calories 163; Total Fat 8g; Carbohydrates 19g

Serve a cup of this aromatic, low-calorie soup as a first course to take the edge off your appetite, or make a light meal of a larger bowl, along with a salad with protein-rich nuts (such as ) and rustic bread. Both ginger and curry powder are powerful anti-inflammatories, which can help keep your heart healthy and your joints pain-free

Nutritional Information
Amounts per serving plus the % Daily Value (DV) based on a 2,000 calorie diet:

  • • 163 Calories (8%)
  • • 8g Total fat (13%)
  • • 2g Saturated Fat (8%)
  • • 0mg Cholesterol (0%)
  • • 140mg Sodium (6%)
  • • 19g Carbohydrate (6%)
  • • 4g Fiber (17%)
  • • 6g Protein (12%)

Yield: Makes 6 servings
Active time: 45 min`45 min
Total time: 45 min

  • • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • • 1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds
  • • 3 tablespoons peanut oil
  • • 1/2 teaspoon curry powder (preferably Madras)
  • • 1 tablespoon minced peeled fresh ginger
  • • 2 cups chopped onions
  • • 1 1/2 pounds carrots, peeled, thinly sliced into rounds (about 4 cups)
  • • 1 1/2 teaspoons finely grated lime peel
  • • 5 cups (or more) low-salt chicken broth or vegetable broth
  • • 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
  • • Plain yogurt (for garnish)

    • Grind coriander and mustard seeds in spice mill to fine powder. Heat oil in heavy large pot over medium-high heat. Add ground seeds and curry powder; stir 1 minute. Add ginger; stir 1 minute. Add next 3 ingredients. Sprinkle with salt and pepper; sauté until onions begin to soften, about 3 minutes. Add 5 cups broth; bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer uncovered until carrots are tender, about 30 minutes. Cool slightly. Working in batches, puree in blender until smooth. Return soup to pot. Add more broth by 1/4 cupfuls if too thick. Stir in lime juice; season with salt and pepper. DO AHEAD: Can be made 1 day ahead. Cool slightly. Chill uncovered until cold, then cover and keep chilled. Rewarm before serving. Ladle soup into bowls. Garnish with yogurt and serve.

      articallistIndian Shrimp Curry

      Calories 307; Total Fat 15g; Carbohydrates 11g

      • • 6 to 8 fresh serrano chiles (2 ounces total)
      • • 20 fresh curry leaves
      • • 5 garlic cloves, finely chopped
      • • 1 tablespoon finely chopped peeled ginger
      • • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
      • • 1 teaspoon whole mustard seeds
      • • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
      • • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
      • • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
      • • 1 medium onion, chopped
      • • 1 pound tomatoes, chopped
      • • 2 1/2 ounces finely grated fresh or dried unsweetened coconut
      • • 2 pounds large shrimp in shell, peeled and deveined
      • • Accompaniment: white rice

      Quarter chiles lengthwise (seed and devein if you want less heat). Cook chiles, curry leaves, garlic, and ginger in oil in a 12-inch heavy skillet over medium-high heat, stirring, until very fragrant and chiles are just softened, 1 to 2 minutes. Reduce heat to medium and add spices, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Cook, stirring, until mustard seeds just begin to pop, 1 to 2 minutes. Add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add tomatoes and coconut, then cook, covered, until tomatoes are softened, 4 to 6 minutes. Add shrimp and cook, uncovered, stirring, until just cooked through, 3 to 4 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

      articallistChickpeas and Raita

      For curried chicken salad:

      • • 1 medium onion, chopped (1 cup)
      • • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
      • • 1 tablespoon minced peeled ginger
      • • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
      • • 1 tablespoon curry powder
      • • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
      • • 2 medium tomatoes, chopped (1 cup)
      • • 1 cup plain yogurt
      • • 2 tablespoons cilantro
      • • 1 rotisserie chicken, meat coarsely shredded (3 to 4 cups)
      • • 1 cup red grapes, halved

      For chickpeas:
      • • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
      • • 1 (19-ounce) can chickpeas, rinsed, drained, and patted dry (2 cups)
      • • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
      • • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
      • • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne

      For raita and topping:
      • • 1 cup plain yogurt
      • • 1 seedless cucumber, peeled, cored, and chopped (2 cups)
      • • 2 tablespoons chopped mint
      • • 1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted

      Make curried chicken salad: Cook onion, garlic, and ginger in oil in a 10-inch heavy skillet over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 5 minutes. Add curry, cumin, and 1 1/2 teaspoon salt and cook, stirring, 2 minutes. Add tomatoes and cook over medium-high heat, stirring, until sauce is thickened, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and stir in yogurt, cilantro, and chicken. Cool to room temperature.

      Make chickpeas: Heat oil in cleaned skillet over medium-high heat until it shimmers, then cook chickpeas, stirring, 1 minute. Add cumin, turmeric, cayenne, and 1/4 teaspoon salt and cook, stirring to coat, until skillet is dry, about 2 minutes. Cool to room temperature.

      Make raita: Stir together yogurt, cucumber, mint, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.

      Assemble jars: Divide grapes among jars and layer curried chicken, raita, chickpeas, and almonds on top.

      Applesauce Bran Muffins : Bake a batch of these tasty muffins to enjoy throughout the week. They're great for breakfast on the go.

      Baked Apple Frittata : This custardy creation, brimming with apples and cinnamon, will fill your kitchen with a tantalizing aroma.

      Lifafa Paratha

      For the parathas

      • 1 1/2 cups plain flour (maida)
      • 3/4 cup milk
      • 1 tbsp melted ghee
      • 1 tsp salt
      • To be mixed into a stuffing
      • 3/4 cup grated cauliflower
      • 3/4 cup grated paneer (cottage cheese)
      • 3 chopped green chillies
      • 2 tbsp chopped coriander (dhania)
      • salt to taste
      • Other ingredients
      • butter or ghee

      For the parathas
      • 1.Mix all the ingredients and make a dough.
      • 2.Roll out small thin oblong parathas and bake them on a tawa (griddle) very lightly.

      How to proceed
      • 1. Put a little stuffing in the centre of each paratha and close like an envelope.
      • 2. Cook on a tawa (griddle) on both sides with butter until pink spots come on top.
      • 3. Repeat for the remaining parathas.
      • 4. Serve hot.

      Variation : Mint Parathas
      Instead of milk, you can prepare the dough using mint leaves water.
      Mint leaves water can be made by blending mint leaves, water and a little lemon juice in a mixer.

      Charotar Puda

      A thick tava-fried pancake made of bajra flour and rice flour. These two types of flours give a distinctive texture and taste. Ingredients
      • 1/3 cup bajra (black millet) flour
      • 1/3 cup rice flour (chawal ka atta)
      • 1/4 cup sprouted moong (whole green gram)
      • 2 tbsp grated onions
      • 1/3 cup curds (dahi)
      • 2 tbsp chopped corriander (dhania)
      • 2 green chillies, chopped
      • 2 tbsp oil
      • oil for shallow frying
      • salt to taste

      • 1. Mix all the ingredients except the oil. Add enough water to make a thick batter.
      • 2. Keep aside for at least 30 minutes.
      • 3. Spread a little oil on a hot tava, put 2 to 3 tablespoons of the batter on it and spread.
      • 4. Smear the oil around the puda and cook on both sides.
      • 5. Repeat for the remaining batter.
      • 6. Serve hot.

      Natural Therapy for Opening the veins of Heart

      Lemon Juice-1cup
      Ginger Juice-1cup
      Garlic Juice - 1cup
      Apple Vinegar-1 cup

      Mix All above and boil in light flame, when it become three cups, take it off and cool down. Now mix it with three cup of natural honey and keep it in a clean bottle

      How to take :take one table spoon of this juice daily before breakfast. your blockage from veins will disappears slowly.